Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thanks, Grandpa!

If you are like every person that has ever considered the questions of psychology, you have thought about where your specific traits come from. The standard answer is: genetics does its part and the environment takes over. But there is strong evidence to show that both elements play a role just not in the relatively simplistic form that we have grown to believe.

Image result for grandma's dna
What if you inherited a trait from your great-great-grandmother but is was not simply a trait but a mutation that arose due to a rotten childhood or a significant trauma, generations before you were even conceived. This is now thought to be the case with many aspects of who we are.

DNA never forgets.

Article from Discover Magazine

Monday, November 26, 2018

Brain Hacks

Image result for smartphone addictionHow frequently do you check your phone? Your smartphone is built to outsmart you ... and it's not your friend. The apps you turn to for information and entertainment are constructed to provide reinforcement that keeps you scrolling and coming back for more. But that system is also responsible for generating anxiety in your brain and that's not such a good thing.

Find out how your brain responds to smartphone use and creates an addiction that is making big profits for those in the know.

How your phone manipulates you (video)

Smartphone Addiction (article)

Audio and articles about your addiction to tech

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Heuristics and decision making

How do you make decisions? There is likely not much rational logic involved, although you may think there is. We make countless decisions every day of our lives but how we make them is rarely understood by the person who is actually making them.
Heuristics are at the heart of our daily lives. Understand this and you'll never look at another simple decision the same way again.

Image result for decision makingHeuristics intro video

Over view of heuristics (article)

Types of Heuristics and examples

The Halo Effect ...and business

What is Beautiful is Good

Thinking Fast and Slow - Kahneman audiobook
(with chapter ideas listed below)